Mary Prater
Strout Architects
Objective: Facilitate development of company identity and marketing plan to maximize company investment and highlight Strout Architects approach to architectural design.
Approach: Facilitate the development of the company’s statement of purpose. Create updated company image through new website, printed materials and project photography.
Outcome: Redesigned website went live within four months of arrival. New print ads with updated company logo printed in regional magazines. Professional photos of projects created and publicized through print and digital formats. Created multiple RFP submissions.

Front Porch Press –
Objective: Create and market website exploring and celebrating southern culture
Approach: built website using Wordpress and plug-ins, utilizing Bluehost – required basic HTML and graphics knowledge. Site was highly customized and responsive. Additionally created content to market regional businesses and travel.
Outcome: Porchscene was able to publish over 100 feature articles promoting regional arts, history, food and travel. Across all platforms – website, Facebook, X (Twitter) and Instagram - we developed an engaged following.

Marigold Designs
Produced custom graphics and artwork for Apex Property Services, Valley Pet and Feed, Marigolds and Margaritas, Tillman Architectural Designs, St. John's Episcopal Church and Capital Consultants.